Wardrobe Wake-Up & Swap Parties

Struggling To Know What To Wear And Put An Outfit Together...

Did you know that most of us only use 20%  of the clothes about 80% of the time. You might struggle to know what to wear at times and find it hard to put together an outfit, despite having a wardrobe full of clothes. We can now review your wardrobe and current outfits online and help you build a capsule wardrobe so that all your clothes can be mixed and matched. This will be like going shopping at home and finding new outfits !

Your investment in our Online Wardrobe Wake Up is £35 per hour. 

It really helps if you have a colour analysis and style consultation too so that you know what colours suit you and what styles flatter your shape. All of these services are now available online, so no need to travel or worry about social distancing, saving you time, money and hassle...and enabling you to confidently put together an outfit for a variety of occasions. Feel free to call and have a chat about how this works.

Love clothes, but have too many cluttering up your wardrobe that you no longer wear...

Why not clear out your wardrobe and recycle your clothes in a fun way, by coming to one of our Clothes swap party. It's a great way to have new clothes and save the environment as well as your bank balance.

If you are interested in coming along to a Clothes Swap party please contact us and we will send you some details. There are usually about 6 - 10 people of varying sizes (and ages) and it is great fun. Have a look through your wardrobe and if you could bring about 3 good quality garments or accessories that either doesn't fit you or you are bored with that would be great. Hopefully, you will then take away some new clothes that you really like! Please email me if you are interested in coming along....this will only go ahead when safe to do so.

Next date - July 2021 - TBC    
Please email katie@confidentlyyou.co.uk if interested

ConfidentlyYou is an Image Consultancy near Basingstoke, Hampshire, and conveniently placed for Reading, Fleet, Newbury, and Winchester.

Other services we offer include colours that suit you,  styles that suit you or shopping  to help you look your best and feel confident.

So why wait...contact me now for more information...


"Katie visited me this week to de-clutter my wardrobe and it was a truly amazing experience. After very judicious weeding out of worn out and ill fitting clothes I now have a wardrobe to be proud of and what is most amazing is that I owned the clothes anyway. Katie is absolutely fabulous at identify different outfit combinations and I now when I look in my wardrobe her words come back to me of all the different outfit combinations I have. So I just want to say a big thank you from a very grateful customer."

Joanne, Coach & Therapist

"I liked being in a friendly relaxing atmosphere and being able to discuss openly during the session. I have also started to make progress by gently getting rid of the stuff that I no longer wear. By creating space in my wardrobe I can now see “what I do have”."

Viv, IT Professional

"Katie's swap parties are fab! Great fun and SUCH a brilliant idea. They're the ideal way to refresh your wardrobe without spending a single penny ! I always come home with some great finds. As you catch up with friends you become each others  'personal shopper' offering honest advice on what styles and colours suit you. I love them and am totally hooked."

Amanda, Marketing Consultant

"I attended Katie's swap party in November. As usual she was a great hostess ensuring everyone felt at ease. The event was really well organised with a wide range of good quality clothing and accessories on offer. Katie made good use of her style and colour analysis skills by making suggestions for people to try items which they may not have considered and which they loved . We also loved the very tasty cake which she made for us ! Altogether a great afternoon where all who attended went home with several new items for their wardrobe all for free. I would definitely recommend attending the next one."

Chrissie, Coach
"Just to say how much I enjoyed the party. It was great fun, very relaxing and the cake was wonderful.
Didn't really expect to get much, but left with a bag full of goodies that I am so pleased 
with. When's the next one???"
Maz, Retired